Superbien commissioned us to ideate and execute the Street Art Chapter, a projection mapping displayed directly on the FOP (Field Of Play).This chapter served as the opening for the basketball Olympic tournament and was based on five critical elements:

The Street Art Chapter combined various street art styles, such as lettering, stencils, 3D effects, and splatters, symbolizing the duality of evolution and permanent impact. Athletes depicted in stencils moved across different formats, from industrial brick buildings to handball courts, conveying messages of pride and encouragement through inspirational words. Bright paint strokes and sprays illuminated the visual choreography, symbolizing the interaction between the art and the canvas, the arena, and the athlete.

Concepts & Designs

The Zoetrope FX, a combination of 3D character animation and AI post-processing, allowed us to iterate and increment the hand-drawn style quickly.

Artemis' Illusion, combined 3D character animation with AI post-processing, similar to a Zoetrope, iterating quickly to achieve the desired special effects.